Original artwork from Puebla de San Francisco de la Sierra
Surfing Baja
Pura Baja founder Gary Wright and Maya the Baja wolf with a morning swell check - looks like its firing today!
Finding perfect solo morning conditions is reason enough for your Baja adventure!
Wintertime brings cooler weather and highlights some excellent secret surf spots in BCS.

PB founder GW with a little head-dip; it's the fishing Panga cruising just offshore that makes this an essential Baja moment.
Exploring Baja

Some of the famous cave paintings of Central Baja California.

Finding your own campsite on a remote Central Baja point is a world-class experience. Make your adventure with Pura Baja!

Tools of the trade...circa 1980's. Waiting for the swell to arrive, Pura Baja style.
Remote palm oasis pepper the mountain ranges of central and southern Baja California; their lush greenery and abundant water are a magnet to wildlife like the Peninsular Bighorn Sheep.
Beauty and the beach, Pura Baja style!
Buenos Dias from where all of us want to be - somewhere along the Pura Baja coast.
Baja sunset #1,257 or so....they're all magnificent!
The endemic Peninsular Pronghorn Antelope or Barrendo: a smaller cousin to our Western Pronghorn. Captive breeding programs are helping restore wild populations and there is new hope for this highly endangered species.
Fishing Baja

Pura Baja founder Gary Wright with a nice beach-caught Halibut in BCS.
Pura Baja's Gary Wright carving a little bottom turn while amigo Steve casts a saltwater fly into the surf zone.

Early morning surf fishing somewhere along the wild Pura Baja coast. Birds are working and fish are biting!

Tools of the trade - getting ready for some inshore fishing fun in a pristine mangrove estuary in Baja California Sur.
GW with a nice little Broomtail Grouper caught just offshore in a small skiff in BCS.